I just had to blog again so soon to add another great site. Ever wish you had a rich uncle to leave you a bunch of money, well this ain't quite that but close. Unclespeewha'ssurfexchange. The next best thing to having a rich uncle. He has bonuses everyday of the week on his site. There's money hunt, spot uncle, and finding them rabbits of his that always get loose and much much more. This is a great new and upcoming traffic site Mike Brett does a great job with it and he's a sweetheart of a guy and of course it's free to join. So make sure you look for his banner at the bottom with the rest of the list of sites that have paid me. I noticed also in my last post I left out getting paid by wordlinx again too. I cashed out another 10.00 from them. So now I've made back my 10.00 dollar upgrade fee plus more. It's well worth the 10.00 dollar upgrade. OK time to go do some last minute back to school shopping. Yes this is my favorite time of year when my kids go back to school now I will get the house to myself during the day. Happy days are here again lol. Till next time good luck making free money on the Internet.