making free money online


Friday, November 11, 2011

Holy Cow a new blog post

I know I'm getting real bad about keeping up with blogging but I have been very busy. With the changing of the seasons and winter coming fast we have been busy winterizing the house. We also painted the outside of the house. Plus we purchased the empty lot next to us back in August so we have been cleaning that up too. Then when I finally got time to sit down and do something instead of blogging I went and bought another traffic exchange. I just bought it October 28th so I have been busy cleaning it up and setting everything on it. I was able to purchase this site with free money I've earned online. A lot has been going on but most of you who follow me everywhere know I have a lot of stuff going now not just clicking. I have also started my own webinar room.,webinarlounge. So far the only set time I have a webinar is on Wednesday nights at 11pm Eastern. But you know me I like spontaneous so I could jump in there anytime. This is the main reason I decided to get my own room. Last Sunday we opened it up and watched the last 5 minutes of the Steelers game in the webinar on my t.v. lol. I have been thinking of doing a Sunday just hang out and talk about sports and stuff.
I do have a new site to add to my list of sites that pays. This site has been going hot since day 1 it started. I have earned my first commissions payment from them. So come join me and all my friends at Hot Flash Hits. Jolynn and Cathy are some awesome ladies and I have had the privilege to work with them recently when a few of us girls that own TE's got together to support Breast Cancer Awareness month in October. So look for their banner added below.
So as you can see I have been keeping myself busy. I'm still getting payments from all the other sites that have banners down below. OK enough news covered in this blog post don't want to bore you too much. Plus I really need to write a couple other ones too. But for now I may go to bed first cold of the season is kicking my butt. So keep clicking and earning that free money online.

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