making free money online


Friday, September 24, 2010

Another site pays

Hello everyone I know its been a month but I have been busy and I wanted to wait for one of my new sites to send payment so I could add them. Plus I have been sick with a bad cold for 2 weeks now. I hate weather change I get sick every year and as I'm aging gracefully it takes longer to get better. I have also discovered when I carry stuff that weighs too much for me I can pull a whole lot of muscles out of whack. That only took me a little over a week to heal up from that mistake lol. So as I'm sitting here enjoying my so called retirement I figured I better get my blog done. So enough about me and let's get to the good stuff. First Let's add the new site that has paid me. This is another PTC site they have been around since 2008. I haven't been with them that long. They have a low payout of 2.00 they have lots of ads and of course they are free to join. The name of this site is cash harvest and it's a great site and yes they pay. Their banner will be added at the bottom of blog with all the rest of the sites that have paid me. Now here's 5 more sites that have already paid before and paid me again since my last post. Quickrewards paid 4.00. Thetrafficdance paid 10.10. Boopityboop paid 10.00. Neobux paid 10.00. Wordlinx paid 10.00. There's my list of sites that have paid me since my last blog post. When it gets closer to the end of the year I will do a blog of my total earnings for the year. all these sites I join for free and decide whether or not to upgrade them using the money I earned from them for free. So it's all free money that I make on the Internet. So good luck to everyone out there trying to make a little extra income from the Internet. Bye for now till the next time someone gives me free money.