making free money online


Saturday, March 21, 2009

good news bad news

Well everyone I have some good news and I have some bad news. Let's start with the good news. I won 11.00 dollars on traffic-splash and received payment in my paypal account within 24 hours. They have a big contest going on right now to celebrate 50,000 members. I have been winning tons of different prizes. I will be adding their banner to my list of sites that pay at bottom of blog. I went ahead and used my money got from clixsense and upgraded. It only cost 10 dollars for a whole year. I have already made my money back plus I will be getting a payment sent to me after tenth of next month. It took me less then a month to make my money back. It's well worth paying the 10 dollar upgrade. Now for the bad news, I have a couple different sites that look like they may be scams. The first one is unobux they have disappeared. The next one is dingobux I have tried to cash out twice now. The first time I reached 5.02 went to cash out the said I had to purchase something to cash out. After I purchased a lottery ticket for one dollar which then put me below the 5 dollar minimum. So I built my credits back up to 6.00 tried to cash out again bought a lottery ticket and got an error page saying payout page was having technical difficulties. So unless something changes soon on these two sites they will be added to my list of bad sites. I am still waiting to receive payment from bux3 and bux3 have gone past their 60 days has only been about 30 days of the 60 I have to wait. Well this should get everybody up to date now. Remember to check the banners below they have all paid me and they are good sites.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

traffic site that pays

I have received my minimum payout from easyhits4u one of my traffic sites I use. It takes 5-7 business days to get in your paypal account. At easyhits4u you get paid .30 for every thousand sites you surf. Plus you can win money, credits, banners, or other stuff on bonus pages. I like this site but trafficswarm is still my favorite but this one is a keeper because it pays you. Plus I won a free one month upgrade on trafficsplash another traffic site I'm trying. I have joined a few more PTC's but I haven't decide on another traffic site yet. That's all for now look for new link at bottom of blog.