I noticed its been awhile since my last post but summertime is very busy for me in the real world and while I'm still raising a family they must come before cyberland. Then there is the new hobby I've started doing this year seems how mother nature is keeping the river flooded we can't go rock hunting so now I'm a picker too. We try to find old buildings to go through and see if we can find what I call rusty gold it's fun except for the part with spiders and bugs. But I have found some really cool stuff and I always take someone with me to kill the spiders lol. So anyway I have 1 new site to add this time and been paid by a few of my regular sites. First let's start with our new addition rosebux is a ptc site that pays it is a revenue sharing site. (I hope I said that right Nancy lol) It's owned by Nancy the Same owner of hummingbirdhits traffic exchange. She's a great lady and hasn't steered me wrong yet. I know some of you may question this you may have seen her site on bad lists that is from people who don't read terms at her site because she tells you right in the terms that it only pays a % of what you earn but her clicks pay like .08 cents a click instead of .00001 per click. I've joined some of those like a year ago and still waiting to reach payour amount with Nancy in 1 month I made .43 cents as a free member. Thats more then i've made at a lot of sites in 1 month. So look for the banner at the bottom. I took boopity boop off because I haven't been paid in 2 months and I know Shelley was having a lot of problems hackers and stuff I had no problem waiting but then all the sudden I haven't heard from her in a month no news letters or I.M.'s nothing so I.m not real sure whats going on there but I have to be fair for all my followers I don't want to lead you down a bad path. Once she gets everything staightened out and can pay everyone again I have no problem readding her. I know I'm being long winded I blame the pain meds docs have me on I twisted or strained the whole left side of my body last week so bad it hurt to breath. So anyway here's a list of some old favorites that have paid again. I won again on gamevance waiting for 200. dollar gift card to arrive. Inboxdollars paid me 30.00 plus added 3.00 dollars to my account for being loyal member this was my second cashout from them. Clixsense check for 10.00 dollars should be here by tomorrow and I've cashed out 6.00 dollars from quickrewards. OK I think that covers all of them I will double check for sure and post again if there is more. Remember all these sites are free to join so you can make free money on the Internet. Good luck everyone and remember school starts soon and I can have my sanity back lol.
1 comment:
Thanks Marlene and nice to have a member finally tell the truth about what they are earning. I like you also click on those sites that it takes months to earn enough to hit the .25 payout as they don't have enough ads and the ad amounts are so low. So again thanks for the post.
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