making free money online


Monday, December 6, 2010

Extra Christmas Cash

Hello again everyone well its been a good month but I was saving the ones I could to cash out for Christmas money. I must say I did pretty well I've cashed out 4 of them so far plus a great upgrade sale going on one that has paid me in the past that I grabbed because it was such a great deal. First I'll tell you about the upgrade sale wordlinx is having a sale until the tenth of December you get a verified plus upgrade you can be verified for life for 29 dollars. Don't miss out on this deal
All the sites I cashed out this month were ones that have paid me before several times now. First one is clixsense I love this site even more now since they added the toolbar I've doubled my money I was earning. With their new toolbar it tells you when a new ad has been added to click. This is one I pay 10 dollars a year for upgrade and it is worth every penny especially with the new toolbar. Next we have trafficdance this is a great traffic exchange the owner Faith is awesome oh and I'm one of the chat moderators there now too lol. I'm also team leader of RT's Angels 2. So make sure you come to the traffic dance and meet a lot of great people trying to do the same thing we all are make some money on the Internet
Then last but not least I got another 200 dollar gift card from gamevance again and yes I used it for some Christmas shopping. This is a game site that is free to join and yes you really do win the prizes.
I've been working on and getting together all the information for my total earnings I've made for free on the Internet for this year so hopefully that will be done in my next blog until then keep making that free money on the Internet. And I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

something new and something old

I know I know it's been a month again but honestly I have been very busy I have a couple new sites that have paid me plus a couple of old ones that have paid again. Plus we have a Halloween contest coming up on traffic lounge starts the 29th of October. First the contest there will be 5 TE's in it and the grand prize is your own TE just like mine. All you have to do is find all 13 scary movies at the five different TE's here are the links...,,,, So be sure to join them all and see if you can win your own TE. Mine is doing so well it pays for all my upgrades I have at other sites plus I'm still making a small profit from it and it's been less then a year. So anyway let's get to the sites that have paid me over the last month. First the ones that have paid me for the first time. They are both TE's this time the first one is blue moon traffic I haven't reached payout level yet but they had a contest and I won some cash and she paid so that counts too. here's the link it's a great site that has been around since last year. Beth is a very nice person and a great owner. Be sure to check it out. Next We have a TE i'm sure a lot of you have heard abour and may already be members it's boot scootin traffic. Sunny does an awesome job with this site and there is always something going on. So get your boots on and come on over here's the link Next lets see what sites have paid me again First there's daybreak traffic steve is always great he's an awesome guy and does a great job with daybreak. This is one of the sites I always upgrade at when I can afford it. Here's the link to daybreak Next we have boopity boop I cashed out another 10.00 dollars there but she has been having some health issues so it took her about a week. After this post she will probably be bombed with other members who may have been waiting to get paid. I have had a few people ask me if I had heard from her. But she has paid me so here's her link you can use your own discreation Well thats enough for this blog for now so till next time keep earning that free money on the Internet and good luck to you all and have a safe and happy Halloween.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Another site pays

Hello everyone I know its been a month but I have been busy and I wanted to wait for one of my new sites to send payment so I could add them. Plus I have been sick with a bad cold for 2 weeks now. I hate weather change I get sick every year and as I'm aging gracefully it takes longer to get better. I have also discovered when I carry stuff that weighs too much for me I can pull a whole lot of muscles out of whack. That only took me a little over a week to heal up from that mistake lol. So as I'm sitting here enjoying my so called retirement I figured I better get my blog done. So enough about me and let's get to the good stuff. First Let's add the new site that has paid me. This is another PTC site they have been around since 2008. I haven't been with them that long. They have a low payout of 2.00 they have lots of ads and of course they are free to join. The name of this site is cash harvest and it's a great site and yes they pay. Their banner will be added at the bottom of blog with all the rest of the sites that have paid me. Now here's 5 more sites that have already paid before and paid me again since my last post. Quickrewards paid 4.00. Thetrafficdance paid 10.10. Boopityboop paid 10.00. Neobux paid 10.00. Wordlinx paid 10.00. There's my list of sites that have paid me since my last blog post. When it gets closer to the end of the year I will do a blog of my total earnings for the year. all these sites I join for free and decide whether or not to upgrade them using the money I earned from them for free. So it's all free money that I make on the Internet. So good luck to everyone out there trying to make a little extra income from the Internet. Bye for now till the next time someone gives me free money.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Look ma more money lol

I just had to blog again so soon to add another great site. Ever wish you had a rich uncle to leave you a bunch of money, well this ain't quite that but close. Unclespeewha'ssurfexchange. The next best thing to having a rich uncle. He has bonuses everyday of the week on his site. There's money hunt, spot uncle, and finding them rabbits of his that always get loose and much much more. This is a great new and upcoming traffic site Mike Brett does a great job with it and he's a sweetheart of a guy and of course it's free to join. So make sure you look for his banner at the bottom with the rest of the list of sites that have paid me. I noticed also in my last post I left out getting paid by wordlinx again too. I cashed out another 10.00 from them. So now I've made back my 10.00 dollar upgrade fee plus more. It's well worth the 10.00 dollar upgrade. OK time to go do some last minute back to school shopping. Yes this is my favorite time of year when my kids go back to school now I will get the house to myself during the day. Happy days are here again lol. Till next time good luck making free money on the Internet.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yes I'm still alive lol

I noticed its been awhile since my last post but summertime is very busy for me in the real world and while I'm still raising a family they must come before cyberland. Then there is the new hobby I've started doing this year seems how mother nature is keeping the river flooded we can't go rock hunting so now I'm a picker too. We try to find old buildings to go through and see if we can find what I call rusty gold it's fun except for the part with spiders and bugs. But I have found some really cool stuff and I always take someone with me to kill the spiders lol. So anyway I have 1 new site to add this time and been paid by a few of my regular sites. First let's start with our new addition rosebux is a ptc site that pays it is a revenue sharing site. (I hope I said that right Nancy lol) It's owned by Nancy the Same owner of hummingbirdhits traffic exchange. She's a great lady and hasn't steered me wrong yet. I know some of you may question this you may have seen her site on bad lists that is from people who don't read terms at her site because she tells you right in the terms that it only pays a % of what you earn but her clicks pay like .08 cents a click instead of .00001 per click. I've joined some of those like a year ago and still waiting to reach payour amount with Nancy in 1 month I made .43 cents as a free member. Thats more then i've made at a lot of sites in 1 month. So look for the banner at the bottom. I took boopity boop off because I haven't been paid in 2 months and I know Shelley was having a lot of problems hackers and stuff I had no problem waiting but then all the sudden I haven't heard from her in a month no news letters or I.M.'s nothing so I.m not real sure whats going on there but I have to be fair for all my followers I don't want to lead you down a bad path. Once she gets everything staightened out and can pay everyone again I have no problem readding her. I know I'm being long winded I blame the pain meds docs have me on I twisted or strained the whole left side of my body last week so bad it hurt to breath. So anyway here's a list of some old favorites that have paid again. I won again on gamevance waiting for 200. dollar gift card to arrive. Inboxdollars paid me 30.00 plus added 3.00 dollars to my account for being loyal member this was my second cashout from them. Clixsense check for 10.00 dollars should be here by tomorrow and I've cashed out 6.00 dollars from quickrewards. OK I think that covers all of them I will double check for sure and post again if there is more. Remember all these sites are free to join so you can make free money on the Internet. Good luck everyone and remember school starts soon and I can have my sanity back lol.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a couple TE's that pay

Hello everyone well all this nice weather and rain has kept me busy outside but not to worry because I am still finding free money on the Internet for you. Today I have a couple great traffic exchanges to add for you. The first one is known as maxtrafficpro or mtp for short it is a great site. It has worked well for me for getting traffic to my other sites plus getting referrals on mtp itself. You get to spin a wheel about every 20 pages for a chance to increase your credits,banners, or texts. Plus they always have contests going to win cash and other prizes. Just scroll down below to the banner I added and check it out.
Now for the second traffic exchange it's a newer one but it grew big fast it's run by a great guy who has been doing traffic exchanges for over 10 years. Tony Tezak has done a great job with his traffic exchange and I have received great results from his site too. When surfing you get a chance to win different bonuses every 15 pages including cash. Then there are all the contests they do too to win great prizes. Both of these sites have paid me and they are free to join so make sure to check the banners at the bottom of the blog. Remember I'm here to help everyone find free money on the Internet and I will not put a site on this blog unless I have actually made money from them and been paid. Good luck everyone and have fun making some free cash online.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

spring fever is hard work

I know its been awhile but I've been very busy with springtime stuff and barely keeping up online. I made me a little extra cash during mushroom season selling morel mushrooms. Then of course the dreaded spring cleaning inside and out and getting my garden planted. We did a few changes to the front yard and we are still digging out the back yard. But in the midst of all this I still managed to find time to find a couple new sites that paid me. One is a traffic exchange and the other a ptc. So let's start with the traffic exchange it's a great site I'm even a team leader there. My teams name is RT's Angels2 we have a lot of fun. The name of the traffic exchange is "The Traffic Dance" they have a great group of people and I know a lot of you are already members but my rule I don't add them here till I've been paid. I get great results from the traffic dance so if your not already a member look for the banner here and join today. Next site that has paid me is "Lighthousegpt" they have many different things here to do besides just ptc's they even have a slot machine you can try to win more money with your earnings. I like this site a lot they even have a chat box and yes they do pay. That's all I have for the good guys this time I do have one bad guy "Palmbux scammed me I tried to cash out three different times and you only get 1 minute out of the day to cash they have suspended my account after I tried to contact them to ask them about my payouts. I couldn't get contact to work and tried getting answers in forum but my questions never showed up in there so I don't know. But they are bad in my book. Well that's all for today I must get back to my hard work of being retired and spring fever. Good luck making your free money everyone see you soon with some new sites hopefully.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Paid again

Well looks like I may finally be starting to get regular payments from a variety of sites that I use. This time I don't have any new ones but some old favorites have paid again. I have three of them this time that paid me this week. First one was they paid me another 3.00 dollars received payment the next day after request. Second one was they paid me another 30.00 received check within two weeks after requesting payout. Then they also gave me a 3.00 bonus towards my next 30.00 cash out for being a loyal member. Third I won again on which means in 30-60 days I will receive my 200.00 dollar gift card from them. Then of course we can't forget my traffic exchange I won at Christmas time it's doing well too and I have been making a little money off of it. I've been trying to get this old brain to learn everything about it but it's slow going. I have been making small changes from what I have been able to learn. Hopefully I can learn a lot more I have dummies books now to help. So anyway back to enjoying my retirement haha. I tell ya retirement is hard work I do more now then when I worked lol. Anyway remember everything I've done has been free to join so it's free money so get out there and make your free money on the Internet. Just in case you haven't figured it out this wont make you a millionaire overnight but it don't cost you anything so you have nothing to lose and make some extra cash something we can all use nowadays. So good luck making your free money on the Internet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

new one that pays

You are gonna love this site guys its fresh and new and yes it pays. A friend of mine Shelley started her own ptc and its awesome. She just started it and I've been helping her work out the kinks. After a few trial and errors its finally ready to go. If you do join and find any problems don't panic just get a hold of Shelley and she will get right on fixing the problem. So get in now while it's still new and build a big downline. Don't worry I'm not just doing this because she is a friend it really does pay I got paid today and that's why I'm adding it to my blog. That will always be my rule here they only get added if they have paid me. So add this hot new site to your list of good ptc's I am so look for banner at the bottom with all the other sites that have paid me. Having my own TE has kept me busy plus all the new sites I've joined so hopefully soon I will have more good sites for you to add to the list of honest sites. Enough for now and good luck making free money online everyone.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We are having a party at traffic lounge and there's lots of prizes being handed out better hurry and get in on your share. Come join the party with me and Nancy details on front page of traffic lounge.