making free money online


Friday, November 27, 2009

more extra holiday cash

Another turkey day survived I think I gained about 5 lbs and lost some sleep. Now starts the leftovers and getting everything else caught back up and on track. I have a couple more cash outs to add one new and one I've cashed several times. Let's start with the one I've cashed several times. that's right I won another 200.00 dollar gift card and its already on it's way. It was shipped out the day before turkey day so it should be here by next week. You can find my gamevance link over on the side in my links. I make no money promoting them it's just fun free games where you can win prizes. OK on to the new addition to my been paid by list. They have been around awhile and also offer very low cost upgrade options. So I will probably use my payout money to upgrade see if upgrade is any better. is the new addition to my paid me list here's my link "" and look for their banner also added to page. Cash out minimum $10 and they have a few different upgrade options I will probably try the $10 upgrade first because that's what I cashed out and It's all about free money here. Looks more like a Merry Christmas this year I hope the same for everyone else out there. OK time to get back to retirement and all its hard work. Until next time good luck making that free Internet money.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

another traffic site pays

Great news everyone I have another new traffic site to add that pays. Daybreaktraffic is a great site the owner is super nice. Here's my link This site also has chat and everyone seems real nice and very helpful. Lots of contests, just last night I found four dollars cash and completed word game twice for sixty cents to reach cash out amount. Payment was received almost immediately after request. Now for some not so good news I am removing the freenfast banner the new owner is not impressing me to well. I still have to right click and select all to type anything ad chat don't work at all for me or being able to type in report box. He says he's been trying to fix it since he took over but I'm only one still having this problem. The reason I'm removing them though is because he said he was going to add some banners and credits and one dollar to my account for any that may not have worked on bonus pages. I still have not received the dollar even asked about it said he would add it that night and still no dollar. That was a week ago. I have decided to start weeding out some sites looks like freenfast is one of them.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

here comes the holiday cash

I know its been a little slow but I've been saving up for the holidays. Now it's time to start cashing in s far I have cashed in at,, have already received money from two of them the check from clixsense should be here around the 10Th of the month. Lately I have been thinking about starting a list for list building so I can send out an email about once a week. Don't worry nothing spammy just an update type email of what I'm testing good and bad sites and each email will have a link to a site that has paid me. Right now I'm organizing all my down lines that I have at different sites. I may even do two lists one for ptc's and one for traffic sites. Well back to work I mean retirement lol good luck everyone keep earning that free money on the Internet.