making free money online


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

more traffic money

Today I WOn another 25.00 on traffic-splash and have recieved payment already. I'm really starting to like this traffic site. I have won a ttal of 46.00 dollars already. I have dropped bux3 I sent for payment on January 4t had to wait 60 days and it still says payment pending. So bux3 is a scam site in my book. Buxto has changed their minimum cashout total to 50.00 dollars. I have decided to trysuper surfing so far so good. Springtime is a very busy time for me so I'm a litle behind. I have yard work, spring cleaing, my garden to plant and it's morel mushroom season. I am trying to keep everything going. Who ever said retirement was relaxing lied lol. I do more work now the when I was working. Well back to the grindstone good luck everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2009

clixsense update rocks

Received a check from clixsense yesterday for 9.33. That pretty much pays for my one year upgrade for ten dollars. Looks like the next eleven months are free money. I highly recommend the upgrade on clixsense. I almost have my office organized again. I keep changing my mind where to put things. But I have managed to list some books on eBay. I also received another batch of books mostly paperbacks which means buy one get one free on most paperbacks still going strong. They came right after I donated a bunch of books to the local thrift store. I'm going to have to donate more next month garage sales are starting up an I have no more room for books. Well time to get back to retirement.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another payment

Clixsense is awesome I made back my ten dollar one year upgrade. The check is on its way, I have already been paid from clixsense before. That leaves me eleven months of free money to make before i have to pay to upgrade. I won twenty-one dollars on traffic-splash during their contest. I received payment by next day each time I cashed. I have dropped Dingobux, Unobux, and Perfectbux they are all scams. On neobux I have 25 referrals rented from neobux money. I'm starting to see profit and I make sure they all keep above 2.0 average. I'm keeping an eye out to test a couple new sites after losing three but first I'm building up my traffic credits to advertise my sites. I have been getting a few referrals under me on various sites. This will help me to reach cash out quicker if they turn out to be good ones. I have joined twitter under bartendermo. So you can check me out there too and don't forget about Well back to work.